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Music at First Church

Music has always been a big part of our shared experience.
We welcome all ages and abilities to our ensembles, and we look forward to hearing all kinds of voices during Worship!

Portrait of Dylan Sanzenbacher

Our Director of Music and Organist is:
Dylan Sanzenbacher

330-675-9886  |  dsanzenbacher @

Dylan conducts the choirs and provides music during worship, as well as special services and performances.

Group photo of Chancel Choir in the Sanctuary

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is First Church's primary vocal music ensemble, singing multiple times per month during worship.
The Choir rehearses before worship at 9:00am in the Choir Room, just outside the Sanctuary.
We welcome all voices to the group - no previous singing experience is necessary, and the pieces selected are accessible to all ages and abilities!

Campanella Ringers

First Church also is home to a five-octave handbell choir, named for the Italian word Campanella, meaning "little bell". The handbell choir adds special music to worship multiple times throughout the year, and in the past even traveled to other churches and handbell conferences to perform.

Follow our Facebook page for announcements of the next Handbell performance!

The Campanella Ringers handbell choir during performance
Harpsichord players and instruments on the Chancel

Special Music

In keeping with our tradition of being a community gathering space, Special Music performances are held throughout the year. This includes performances by our Director, Dylan Sanzenbacher, area soloists, and area ensembles.

Follow our Facebook page for announcements of the next performance!

Console of the Holtkamp Organ

Holtkamp Organ

First Church is the proud owner of a 3-manual pipe organ built in 1949 by the Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling Organ Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Click "Learn More" to see more information about the history of the church's pipe organs.

Site last updated: March 10, 2025

First Congregational United Church of Christ



Pastor: 216-647-6930

330 Second St.

Elyria, OH 44035

Sunday Worship


In-Person 10:00am




Worship recordings

  • Facebook
  • Youtube

Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00am - 2:00pm

Food Pantry:
Monday:  12:00-2:00pm
Tuesday:  9:30-11:30am
Wednesday:  9:30-11:30am

United Church of Christ Logo and Link to UCC website

Please bring a picture ID along with a proof of residency in Lorain County (ie: a utility bill with your address on it).

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